Care Coordination Resources
UCare Institutional Special Needs Plans (I-SNP) (UCare Advocate Choice, UCare Advocate Plus)
UCare's resources are sorted by category in the following drawers and meant to help you work with our members.
Click a drawer to open it and access the resource links.
For more resources on UCare's other products, please select a plan from the drop down menu and click Change Plan to view.
To find product-specific tools and forms, select the desired plan from the "Please select" drop-down and click "Select Plan" to explore each category and its contents.
Adult Dental Kit Order Form
Death Notification Form
Dispose of Medications Safely
Health Risk Assessment ISNP (Revised 10/1/2023)
Plan of Care ISNP (Revised 10/1/2023)
Part C Log (to utilize full functionality of this Excel document, access it via the Chrome browser or download the document from the Edge browser then enable content)
Part C Log Tip Sheet
Release of Information Form
Strong & Stable Kit Order Form