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Welcome UCare Providers

Community Education Discount Program Partner Resources

The UCare Community Education Discount program partners with Community Education programs across Minnesota to provide our members with greater access to activities in their communities.

This resource page is intended for use by our Community Education partners. If you are interested in becoming a partner, please send an inquiry to

When a member registers for a class, please ask them for their UCare member ID number.

Call UCare to check on members’ eligibility at 612-676-3351 or 1-866-243-5157 toll free during the month that the class will occur. If you do not reach us, please leave a message on our secure voicemail with the member’s name and UCare member ID number.

If registration is for a class in a future month, please call to check eligibility during the future month. This process helps to ensure that the member is still covered by UCare during the month of the class.

2024 UCare Plan Names and Discounts

Minnesota Health Care Programs:
Unlimited discounts, up to $15 discount per class

Plans include: Prepaid Medical Assistance Program (PMAP or MA), MinnesotaCare, Minnesota Senior Care Plus (MSC+), UCare’s Minnesota Senior Health Options (MSHO), UCare Connect (SNBC) and UCare Connect + Medicare

UCare Medicare Plans:
Three (3) discounts per calendar year, up to $15 discount per class

Plans include: UCare Classic, UCare Complete, UCare Essentials Rx, UCare Standard, UCare Value, UCare Value Plus, UCare Aware, UCare Group High, UCare Group Core, UCare Group Basic, EssentiaCare Grand, EssentiaCare Secure, EssentiaCare Access, Care Core with M Health Fairview & North Memorial, Care Wise with M Health Fairview & North Memorial

UCare Individual & Family Plans:
Three (3) discounts per calendar year, up to $15 discount per class 

Plans include: UCare Gold StandardRX, UCare Gold Access, UCare Silver StandardRX, UCare Bronze, UCare Bronze Access, UCare Core, UCare Silver HSA, UCare Bronze HSA, UCare M Health Fairview Core, UCare M Health Fairview Gold, UCare M Health Fairview Silver, UCare M Health Fairview Bronze, UCare M Health Fairview Silver HSA, UCare M Health Fairview Bronze HSA


Call UCare to check on members’ eligibility at 612-676-3351 or 1-866-243-5157 toll free. Leave a message if you do not reach us.

If registration is for a class in a future month, please call to check eligibility during the month the class will occur.

  • Members must be enrolled on UCare insurance at the time of registration and throughout the duration of the class(es) to be eligible for the discount.
  • Type of sessions not eligible for the discount: alcohol related activities, gambling trips, private lessons, high risk activities (e.g. sky diving, rock climbing, etc.)
  • Invoice for reimbursement of classes only after they have occurred and you have a record of attendance by the member.

If members have questions, please ask them to call the UCare Customer Services number found on the back of their UCare member ID card.

The community education discount is not available to all UCare members. Plans with this discount are listed here.

Benefits may change each year. For program questions and updates, contact

Use this Invoice Template to bill UCare.

UCare will reimburse your program for discounts received by eligible members. To receive reimbursement, submit an invoice to UCare for the total amount of discounts given to eligible members.

Step 1: Complete an invoice form. Only invoice for reimbursement of classes after they have occurred and you have a record of attendance by the member. Billing for future class dates will not be processed.

Step 2: Submit the invoice to UCare via postal mail or fax. Please submit invoices monthly. Monthly invoices helps to ensure accurate tracking of discounts received by our members.

Fax: 612-884-2018

Or, mail to:
P.O. Box 52
Attn: Health Promotion Specialist
Minneapolis, MN 55440-0052

Step 3:
Upon receipt, we will process your invoice and send a reimbursement check to you within 2-4 weeks. Attached to the check will be the description of reimbursements from your submitted invoice.

If you use Eleyo for your community education course registration, follow the Eleyo Community Ed Process instructions for how to use Eleyo for the UCare Community Education Discount invoicing.

We want our members to use this discount to be active in their community. We encourage you to promote our discount program in your materials. Here is suggested language for promotion:

Eligible UCare members may get up to a $15 discount on many community education classes in Minnesota. Members must have UCare insurance at the time of registration and throughout the duration of the class. Members need to provide their UCare member ID number when registering for class. Limits and restrictions may apply.

Need an image of UCare’s logo for your materials? Please send your request to

Q: How much should Community Education bill UCare if the session fee is less than $15?

A: If a session fee is less than $15, Community Education should only bill UCare for the amount of the session fee. The session would be free to the member.

Q: Can I batch my invoices to avoid sending UCare an invoice every month?

A: No, we would prefer an invoice every month. Some members (e.g., Medicare Plans) have limits on how many discounts they can use per calendar year. Timely receipt of your invoices allow us to keep an accurate record of members’ usage.

Q: Can Community Education bill UCare for a future session?

A: No, UCare will only pay for sessions that have already occurred.

Q: Why does the reimbursement amount not equal the amount submitted on an invoice?

A: UCare will only reimburse for eligible members during the month of the session. To avoid providing a discount to non UCare members, check eligibility during the same month of the Community Education session. Eligibility checks do not guarantee payment.

Q: Is my district’s Community Education program required to participate in UCare’s discount program?

A: No, Community Education programs may choose not to participate. If members contact your program about our discount, please inform them that your program does not participate in UCare’s discount program.